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New York Central Steam Roster: Post-1900

Published: March 14, 2025

By: Adam Burns

With a system stretching nearly 12,000 miles from New York City to Chicago and St. Louis, the New York Central's steam locomotive fleet was nothing short of impressive.

Among eastern carriers it was rivaled only by the mighty Pennsylvania Railroad and was always at the forefront of steam technology. The steam roster included here features only engines comprising its fleet beyond 1900.

Some of the railroad's notable arrangements include the powerful 4-8-4 Niagaras, 4-8-2 Mohawks, and its 4-6-4 Hudsons. The NYC had a knack for going against the grain and coining its own monikers for its late-era arrangements. In its particular case the railroad used famous rivers in the state of New York.

Generally speaking, 2-8-2s and 2-8-0s comprised the bulk of its 20th century fleet for general freight service while 4-6-0s, 4-6-2s, 4-6-4s, and the dual-service Niagaras handled passenger assignments.

Interestingly, despite the company's size and industrial influence it operated very few articulated designs. Its most notable was a group of seventy-four 2-6-6-2s acquired from Alco between 1910-1917, largely for service on the Boston & Albany.

It also owned a small group of 0-8-8-0s and a signel 0-6-6-0, Class NB-1a, to work in passenger assignments west of Albany.

Once again, this roster is only general in nature and also does not include the post-World War II renumberings to make way for newly arriving diesels.

3069239048727j1i01801960988.jpgA New York Central 4-6-4 leads a Chicago-bound passenger train through Battle Creek, Michigan during the 1950s. Ed Olsen photo. American-Rails.com collection.


Wheel Arrangement Class Original Road Numbers Second Road Numbers Quantity Builder(s) Completion Date(s) Subsidiary/Notes
0-6-0 B-11 1-8 - 8 Pittsburgh, Brooks (Alco) 1913-1914 Detroit Terminal
0-6-0 B-73 thru B-74a 8-31 7279-7302 24 Schenectady (Alco), Dickson Manufacturing Company (Alco) 1901-1903 CCC&StL
0-6-0 B-58 9-10, 111-119 (not sequential), 130-135 - 15 NYC, Schenectady (Alco) 1905-1915 IHB, Chicago Junction (CJ)
0-6-0 B-11 20-27 43-50 8 Baldwin 1913 Indiana Harbor Belt
0-6-0 B-95b 29-31 9505-9507 3 Brooks (Alco) 1901 Toledo & Ohio Central (T&OC)
0-8-0 U-33 30-41 - 12 NYC/B&A 1901-1902 (as 2-8-0s) B&A. Rebuilt from 2-8-0s in 1917-1918.
0-8-0 U-2j 42-47 7475-7480 6 Lima 1918 Boston & Albany (B&A)
0-8-0 U-3b 48-53 7220-7225 6 Lima 1920-1921 B&A
0-8-0 U-2k, U-2l 54-65 7481-7492 12 Lima, Schenectady (Alco) 1923-1924 B&A
0-10-0 M-1f 95-96 4600, 8998 2 Brooks (Alco) 1910 NYC&HR
0-8-0 U-4a 100-102 - 3 Brooks (Alco) 1927 IHB. A 3-cylinder design.
0-6-0 B-10 100-199 - 200 Schenectady (Alco) 1903-1906 NYC&HR
0-6-0 B-60, B-61 103-110 (not sequential) - 7 Alco 1907-1916 Chicago River & Indiana
0-6-0 B-10 115-143 - 29 Alco 1907-1913 Boston & Albany
0-6-0 B-10 117-119 40-42 3 Brooks (Alco) 1910 Indiana Harbor Belt
0-6-0 B-59 thru B-60d 136-167 - 32 Schenectady, Brooks (Alco) 1905-1912 CJ
0-6-0 B-11 144-152 6746-6754 9 Schenectady (Alco) 1913-1916 Boston & Albany
0-8-0 U-1a, U-1e 150-166 - 17 Schenectady (Alco) 1913, 1916 IHB
0-8-0 U-2i 167-171 - 5 Lima 1918 IHB, CR&I
0-6-0 B-61 thru B-61c 180-202 - 23 Schenectady (Alco) 1913-1916 CJ
0-8-0 U-2f 200-239 7560-7599 40 Lima 1918 NYC
0-8-0 U-3b, U-3c 240-319 7640-7719 80 Lima 1920-1922 NYC
0-6-0 B-62 221-234 - 14 Cooke (Alco) 1918 USRA, CJ
0-6-0 B-105 253-255 9147-9149 3 Pittsburgh (Alco) 1906 PMcK&Y
0-8-0 U-3a 300-319 - 20 Baldwin 1919 USRA, IHB
0-8-0 U-3b, U-3e, U-3g 320-339 - 20 Lima 1921-1925 IHB
0-8-0 U-3d, U-3e 350-360 - 11 Lima 1923-1924 CR&I
0-8-0 U-3c 386-405 7786-7805 20 Schenectady (Alco) 1922 NYC
0-6-0 B-2 311-376 - 66 Schenectady, Cooke (Alco) 1900-1903 NYC&HR
0-8-0 U-3a 406-414 7806-7814 9 Baldwin 1919 NYC
0-8-0 U-3a 415-439 7815-7839 25 Brooks (Alco) 1918 USRA, NYC
0-6-0 B-96a 415-417 9508-9510 3 Baldwin 1902 T&OC
0-6-0 B-97a, B-97b 418-425 9511-9518 8 Brooks (Alco) 1903, 1905 T&OC
0-6-0 B-98a, B-98b, B-98c 426-434 9519-9527 9 Brooks (Alco) 1905-1907 T&OC
0-6-0 B-10 450-609 6600-6709 210 Alco 1907-1912 NYC&HR
0-6-0 B-72 514-515 7277-7278 2 Peoria & Eastern Railway (P&E) 1900-1901 P&E
0-6-0 B-97a, B-97b 560-563 - 4 Brooks 1903, 1905 Kanawha & Michigan (K&M)
0-6-0 B-98b, B-98e 564-567 9528-9531 4 Brooks, Richmond (Alco) 1906, 1911 K&M
0-6-0 B-11 610-629 6711-6729 20 Schenectady (Alco) 1913 Michigan Central
0-8-0 U-2a-h 636-774 7336-7474 139 Alco, Lima 1916-1918 NYC
0-10-0 M 3650-3652 4601-4603 3 Brooks (Alco) 1905 NYC&HR
0-8-0 U-3a 4250-5252 205-207 (Nickel Plate Road) 3 Lima 1920 USRA, LE&W
0-8-0 U-1a, U-1b 4280-4299 7280-7299 20 Schenectady (Alco) 1913 LS&MS
0-8-0 U-3e, U-3f 4300-4349 7900-7949 50 Schenectady (Alco), Lima 1924-1925 NYC
0-6-0 B-10 4518-4552 - 35 Rhode Island (Alco) 1907-1908 LS&MS
0-6-0 B-56f, B-56g 4553-4587 7053-7087 35 Schenectady, Pittsburgh (Alco) 1910-1911 LS&MS
0-10-0 M-1b 4590-4591 - 2 Brooks (Alco) 1907 Chicago, Indiana & Southern (CI&S)
0-10-0 M-1, M-1a 4592-4599 - 8 Brooks (Alco) 1905, 1907 LS&MS
0-6-0 B-54 4365-4374 32-41 (Nickel Plate Road) 10 Pittsburgh (Alco) 1902 Lake Erie & Western Railroad. The LE&W was owned by the NYC from 1900-1922 at which point it was sold to the Nickel Plate.
0-6-0 B-55, B-56 4375-4517 7000-7012 43 Alco 1902-1907 LS&MS
0-6-0 B-10 4600-4614 15-29 (Indiana Harbor Belt) 15 Cooke (Alco) 1906 Built for subsidiary LS&MS. Later transferred to the IHB.
0-8-0 U-3c, U-3e 7200-7234 7600-7634 35 Lima 1922, 1924 CCC&StL
0-6-0 B-10 7307-7372 - 66 Alco 1905-1912 CCC&StL
0-6-0 B-11 7373-7425 - 53 Alco, Lima, Baldwin 1913-1918 CCC&StL
0-8-0 U-3a 7440-7449 7740-7749 10 Brooks (Alco), Lima, Baldwin 1919-1920 USRA, CCC&StL
0-8-0 U-60, U-61 7450-7484 7200-7234 35 CCC&StL 1917-1922 CCC&StL
0-8-0 U-3b 7485-7494 7985-7994 10 Lima 1920-1921 CCC&StL
0-8-0 U-3h 7495-7496 73-74 2 Brooks (Alco) 1926 P&LE
0-10-0 M-1c 7498-7499 - 2 Brooks (Alco) 1907 CCC&StL
0-8-0 U-3k 8000-8049 - 50 Lima 1937 P&LE
0-8-0 U-3l - 8050-8074 25 Schenectady (Alco) 1944 P&LE
0-6-0 B-82e 8506-8510 - 5 MC 1899-1904 MC
0-6-0 B-82d 8540-8543 - 4 Canadian Southern 1899-1900 Canadian Southern
0-6-0 B-84b, B-84d 8572-8581 - 10 CS 1901-1905 CS
0-6-0 B-10 8590-8596 6991-6995 7 MLW 1909-1910 Canadian Southern
0-6-0 B-11 8597-8599 6997-6999 3 MLW 1913 Canadian Southern
0-6-0 B-82c, B-82e 8663-8693 - 31 Schenectady, Michigan Central 1899-1905 Michigan Central
0-6-0 B-84a, B-84c 8720-8747 - 28 MC, Schenectady (Alco) 1903-1906 MC
0-6-0 B-10 8750-8799 6861-6897 50 Alco 1905-1912 Michigan Central
0-10-0 M-1d, M-1e 8790-8791 7190-7191 2 MLW 1909-1910 MC
0-6-0 B-10 8790-8799 30-39 (Indiana Harbor Belt) 10 Brooks (Alco) 1905 Built for subsidiary Michigan Central. Later transferred to the IHB.
0-10-0 M-1a 8799 7192 1 Brooks (Alco) 1906 MC
0-6-0 B-11 8798-8844 6898-6944 47 Pittsburgh (Alco), Lima, Baldwin 1912-1913 Michigan Central
0-8-0 U-2c 8900-8903 7550-7553 4 Lima 1917 MC
0-8-0 U-2c-g 8904-8939 7504-7539 36 Lima 1917-1918 MC
0-8-0 U-3a 8940-8949 7840-7849 10 Lima 1920 USRA, MC
0-8-0 U-3b 8950-8985 7850-7885 36 Lima, Alco 1920-1926 MC
0-8-0 U-3j 9000-9024 7950-7974 25 Lima 1929 P&LE
0-6-0 B-104 9011-9070 - 60 Pittsburgh (Alco), P&LE 1902-1913 P&LE
0-6-0 B-104 9122-9160 (not sequential) - 36 P&LE 1906-1912 PMcK&Y
0-8-0 U-1a 9540-9542 7270-7272 3 Schenectady (Alco) 1913 T&OC
0-8-0 U-3a 9543-9547 7753-7757 5 Pittsburgh (Alco) 1918 USRA, T&OC
0-8-0 U-3a 9548-9550 7758-7760 3 Lima 1920 USRA, K&M

Passenger Service

Wheel Arrangement Class Original Road Numbers Second Road Numbers Quantity Builder(s) Completion Date(s) Subsidiary/Notes
4-4-0 C-96c 2 9555 1 Rhode Island (Alco) 1906 Kanawha & West Virginia (K&WV)
4-4-2 I-2 10-12 800-802 3 Schenectady (Alco) 1901 St. Lawrence & Adirondack
4-6-2 K-14b 17-19 - 3 NYC 1929-1930 P&LE. Ex-Class K-11.
4-6-0 Fx 19-41 (Ulster & Delaware) 800-818 22 Schenectady (Alco) 1899-1907 NYC
4-4-0 C-100 23 - 1 P&LE - P&LE
2-6-0 E-48 105-132 (not sequential) - 16 Schenectady (Alco) 1889 (circa) CJ. Rebuilt as B-58 0-6-0 switchers between 1900-1907.
2-6-0 E-49 120-127 - 8 - 1901-1906 CJ
4-4-2 I-80 251-266 8082-8097 16 Schenectady (Alco) 1901-1902 MC
2-6-0 E-82 thru E-82c 283-292 8364-8373 10 Schenectady (Alco) 1901-1902 MC
4-4-2 I-100a 301-305 9200-9204 5 Schenectady (Alco) 1903 P&LE
4-4-2 I-80 319, 323 8070-8071 2 Schenectady (Alco) 1903 T&OC, CS, Detroit Terminal
4-4-2 I-60 thru I-63 360-369 6900-6939 40 Schenectady, Brooks (Alco) 1901-1904 CCC&StL
4-6-0 F-69, F-69a 400-405 6234-6239 4 Baldwin 1900 CCC&StL
4-4-0 C-96a 455-457 9555-9558 3 Brooks (Alco) 1901 T&OC
4-4-0 C-97a, thru C-97c 458-466 9559-9567 9 Brooks (Alco) 1904-1906 T&OC
4-4-2 I-80 480-489 8072-8081 10 Schenectady (Alco) 1901-1902 CS
4-6-2 Ka thru Km 515-565 - 51 Schenectady (Alco) 1905-1914 B&A
4-4-0 C-97a thru C-97d 570-579 9570-9579 10 Brooks (Alco) 1902-1905 K&M
4-6-2 K-14g, K-14h 575-589 - 15 Schenectady (Alco), Baldwin 1911-1913 B&A
4-6-2 K-6a, K-6b 590-599 9245-9254 10 Brooks, Schenectady (Alco) 1925-1926 B&A, Later sublettered for P&LE.
4-6-4 J-2a, J-2b 600-609 5455-5464 10 Alco 1928, 1930 B&A
4-6-4 J-2c 610-619 5465-5474 10 Lima 1931 B&A
4-6-0 F-52 611-615 5011-5015 5 Brooks (Alco) 1900 LS&MS
2-6-2 J-40 650-695 4650-4695 46 Brooks (Alco) 1901-1903 LS&MS
4-8-4 HS-1a 800 - 1 Alco 1931 NYC
4-4-0 C-3 947-948 1079-1080 2 NYC 1900-1901 NYC&HR
4-4-0 C-38 1139-1144 249-254 6 Schenectady (Alco) 1900 B&A
4-4-0 C-39 1134-1138 244-248 5 Schenectady (Alco) 1900 B&A
2-6-0 E-11 1407-1422 - 16 NYC 1904 Rebuilt from 2-6-6Ts.
2-6-0 E1a, E1b, E1d 1691-1761 1907-1922 (not sequential) 71 Schenectady (Alco), NYC 1899-1900 NYC&HR
2-6-0 E-1c 1768-1790 1914-1917 23 Baldwin 1900 NYC&HR
2-6-0 E-1b, E-1d, E-1e 1859-1878 1923-1926 4 Schenectady (Alco), NYC 1900-1903 NYC&HR
2-6-0 E-2 1762 - 1 Schenectady (Alco) 1900 NYC&HR. A compound design.
2-6-0 E-3, E-3a 1763-1767 1927-1929 5 Schenectady (Alco), Baldwin 1900 NYC&HR
4-6-0 F-2c, F-2f (later classed F-12c) 1900-1919 704-723 20 Schenectady (Alco) 1907 B&A
4-6-0 F-2d (later classed F-12) 1965-1999 - 35 Schenectady (Alco) 1907 NYC&HR
4-6-0 F-3 2036-2050 2010-2024 15 Baldwin 1900 NYC&HR
4-6-0 F-2 thru F-2g (later classed F-12) 2065-2166 819-876 102 Schenectady (Alco) 1905-08 NYC&HR
4-6-2 K-1 2700-2709 500-509 10 Schenectady (Alco) 1903 B&A
4-6-2 Kg 2795-2799 510-514 5 Schenectady (Alco) 1903 NYC&HR. Later transferred to the B&A.
4-4-2 I-1 3000 803 1 Schenectady (Alco) 1904 NYC&HR. A Cole compound design.
4-6-2 K-10a 3000-3049 4400-4449 50 Brooks 9Alco) 1910-1911 Later classed K-11a.
4-6-2 K-11a thru K-11f 3050-3199 4450-4599 200 Alco, Baldwin 1911-1913 NYC&HR
4-6-2 K-3n, K-3p, K-3q 3267-3357 4667-4757 91 Schenectady, Brooks (Alco) 1918-1923 NYC. Seven K-3n engines later renumbered B&A 500-506 in 1937-1938.
4-6-2 K-3a-g 3358-3437 4806-4854 (not sequential) 80 Schenectady (Alco), Baldwin 1911-1913 NYC&HR
4-6-2 K-2f thru K-2k 3438-3494 - 57 Schenectady (Alco) 1907-1910 NYC&HR
4-6-2 K-2e 3555-3594 - 40 Schenectady (Alco) 1908 NYC&HR
4-4-2 I-3 3804 804 1 Baldwin 1905 NYC&HR. A compound design.
4-4-2 Ib 3948-3953 400-405 6 Schenectady (Alco) 1902 B&A
4-4-2 I, I10 3775-3999 (not sequential) 775-999 (not sequential) 212 Schenectady (Alco) 1901-1907 NYC&HR
4-4-0 I-40a 4321-4322 - 2 Schenectady (Alco) 1907 NYC
4-6-2 K-14a thru K-14f 4390-4399 - 10 NYC 1924-1925 Rebuilt from K-11's.
2-6-2 J-41 4700-4734 - 35 Brooks (Alco) 1904-1905 LS&MS. Rebuilt as 4-6-2s.
4-6-2 K-41a, K-41b 4700-4734 - 35 NYC 1916-1919 Rebuilt from 2-6-2s.
4-4-2 I-40 4750-4759 4320-4324 10 Schenectady (Alco) 1907 LS&MS
4-6-2 K-2a thru K-2d 4800-4894 - 95 Schenectady (Alco) 1907-1910 LS&MS
4-6-2 K-3b, K-3e 4895-4909 4814-4841 (not sequential) 15 Schenectady (Alco) 1911, 1913 LS&MS
4-6-2 K-5 5000/6525 4925 1 Schenectady (Alco) 1924 MC. Later sublettered for CCC&StL.
4-6-4 J-1a thru J-1e 5200-5344 - 145 Alco 1927-1931 NYC
4-6-0 F-40 5280-5289 - 10 Baldwin 1902 CI&S
4-6-0 F-41 5290-5299 - 10 Pittsburgh (Alco) 1900 CI&S
4-6-4 J-3a 5405-5454 - 50 Alco 1937-1938 NYC
4-8-4 S-2a 5500 - 1 Alco 1946 NYC
4-8-4 S-1a, S-1b 6000-6025 - 26 Alco 1945-1946 NYC
4-6-2 Kb thru Kn 6400-6449 - 50 Brooks, Schenectady (Alco) 1905-1915 CCC&StL
4-6-2 Ko 6450-6554 - 5 CCC&StL 1915 CCC&StL
4-6-2 K-5b 6505-6514 4905-4914 10 Schenectady (Alco) 1926 CCC&StL
4-6-2 K-3j thru K-3p 6455-6499 4855-4899 45 Schenectady, Brooks (Alco) 1917-1923 CCC&StL
4-6-2 K-3r 6500-6504 4800-4804 5 Brooks (Alco) 1925 CCC&StL
4-6-4 J-1d, J-1e 6600-6629 5375-5404 30 Alco 1929, 1931 CCC&StL
4-4-2 Ij 6940-6959 - 20 Schenectady (Alco) 1906-1907 CCC&StL
4-6-0 F-82 8106-8107 - 2 Schenectady (Alco) 1900 MC
4-6-0 F-82, F-82a 8150-8159 880-881 10 CS, Schenectady (Alco) 1899-1901 MC, CS
4-6-0 F-84 8190-8195 6 Schenectady (Alco) 1900 MC
4-6-4 J-1b, J-1c, J-1d 8200-8229 5345-5374 30 Alco 1927-1930 MC
4-6-0 F-82 8260-8293 882-889 24 Schenectady (Alco) 1900-1906 MC
4-6-2 K-3f thru K-3q 8300-8339 4603-4639 40 Schenectady, Brooks (Alco) 1913-1923 MC
4-6-2 K-5a 8350-8354 4926-4930 5 Brooks (Alco) 1925 MC. Later sublettered for CCC&StL.
4-6-2 K-5b 8355-8364 4915-4924 10 Schenectady (Alco) 1926 MC. Later sublettered for CCC&StL.
4-6-2 K-3h 8400-8404 4640-4644 5 Alco 1916 MC
4-6-2 K-80 8410-8437 - 28 Schenectady (Alco), MLW 1904-1910 CS
4-6-2 K-80 8450-8491 - 42 Schenectady (Alco) 1904-1912 MC
4-6-0 F-103 thru F-105 9205-9219 - 3 Pittsburgh (Alco) 1909-1912 PMcK&Y
4-6-0 F-105a 9220-9224 - 5 P&LE 1915 PMcK&Y
4-6-2 K-4a, K-4b 9224-9234 - 10 Brooks (Alco) 1917-1918 P&LE
4-6-2 K-5b 9235-9244 4931-4940 10 Alco 1927 P&LE
4-4-0 C-103 thru C-105 9253-9267 - 15 Pittsburgh (Alco) 1901-1906 P&LE
4-4-0 C-106 9290-9294 - 5 Pittsburgh (Alco) 1907 PMcK&Y

02962848728920871yji20988.jpgNew York Central 4-8-2 #2922 is about to duck under the State Route 111 overpass with an eastbound freight near Roxana, Illinois during the 1950's. American-Rails.com collection.

Freight Service

Wheel Arrangement Class Original Road Numbers Second Road Numbers Quantity Builder(s) Completion Date(s) Subsidiary/Notes
2-8-2 H-10a 1-190 2101-2290 190 Lima, Schenectady (Alco) 1922-1923 YC, MC, CCC&StL, B&A
2-8-0 G-95c 3 9600 1 Richmond (Alco) 1907 Kanawha & West Virginia Railroad
2-8-2 H-10a, H-10b 191-211 - 21 Schenectady (Alco) 1923, 1924 P&LE
2-8-0 G-100, G-101 139-165 9318-9335 27 Pittsburgh (Alco) 1900, 1902 P&LE
2-8-0 G-102, G-102a 150-153, 200 9370-9374 5 Pittsburgh (Alco) 1905 Pittsburgh, McKeesport & Youghiogheny
2-8-0 G-102, G-102a 166-199 9336-9369 34 Pittsburgh (Alco) 1903 P&LE
2-8-0 G-47 200-201 Chicago Junction #1, Chicago River & Indiana #2 2 Schenectady (Alco) 1913 CJ, CR&I
2-8-2 H-10b 212-251 2312-2351 40 Lima 1924 CCC&StL, MC
2-8-2 H-5r 250-264 - 15 Schenectady (Alco) 1916 IHB
2-8-0 G-102, a 282-292 9411-9421 11 Pittsburgh (Alco) 1903, 1906 Pittsburgh, McKeesport & Youghiogheny
2-8-0 G-95a 300-324 9660-9624 25 Rogers 1902-1903 T&OC
2-8-0 G-96a thru G-96c 325-351 9625-9651 27 Brooks (Alco) 1905-1907 T&OC
2-8-2 H-10b 320-359 2360-2399 40 Schenectady (Alco) 1924 NYC
2-8-2 H-10b 360-369 2080-2089 10 Schenectady (Alco) 1924 NYC
2-8-2 H-5u 400-419 - 20 Schenectady (Alco), Lima 1923 IHB
2-8-2 H-6a 400-423 - 24 Lima 1919 USRA, IHB
2-8-2 H-5v 420-424 - 5 Lima 1924 IHB
2-8-0 G-80d, G-80e 466-479 7540-7553 14 Schenectady (Alco), Canadian Southern 1904 CS
2-8-0 G-80b 499 7530 1 Schenectady (Alco) 1902 MC
2-8-0 - 500-509 - 10 Baldwin 1901-1902 K&M
2-8-0 G-95a 510-512 9601-9602 3 Rogers (Alco) 1903 K&M
2-8-0 G-96a thru G-96c 513-527 - 15 Brooks (Alco) 1905-1907 K&M
2-8-0 G-46j thru G-46l 528-552 1183-1199 25 Richmond, Brooks (Alco) 1911-1914 K&M
2-8-0 G-80 thru G-80d 573-619 7700-7746 47 Schenectady (Alco) 1901-1904 MC
2-8-0 G-97a 608-612 9725-9729 5 Brooks (Alco) 1904 Zanesville & Western
2-8-0 G-66 704-713 6531-6540 10 Rhode Island (Alco) 1899-1900 CCC&StL
2-8-0 G-67 thru G-71 714-790 6541-6617 77 Brooks, Schenectady (Alco) 1901-1903 CCC&StL
2-8-0 G-43a thru G-43e 750-869 1100-1111 120 Brooks (Alco) 1901-1903 LS&MS
4-8-0 H-30, H-30a 800-810 - 11 Schenectady 1899-1900 NYC
2-8-0 G-46a, b 1000-1006 5870-5876 7 Brooks (Alco) 1903-1904 LS&MS
2-8-0 G-16q 1050-1053 - 4 Schenectady (Alco) 1912 B&A
2-10-2 Z-1 1100-1109 - 10 Brooks (Alco) 1919 B&A
2-8-2 H-5j 1200-1213 - 14 Schenectady (Alco) 1913-1914 B&A
2-8-2 H-5g 1214-1223 - 12 Brooks (Alco) 1915 B&A. Rebuilt from 2-8-0s.
2-8-2 H-5t 1224-1229 - 6 Lima 1916 IHB
2-6-6-2 NE-1a 1249 1374 1 Schenectady (Alco) 1910 B&A
0-6-6-0 NB-1 1300 - 1 Schenectady (Alco) 1913 NYC&HR
2-6-6-2 NE-2b, NE-2c, NE-2e 1300-1312 - 13 Schen 1913-1917 B&A
2-6-6-2 NE-2g 1339-1348 1939-1948 10 Schenectady (Alco) 1920-1921 NYC
2-6-6-2 NE-2d, NE-2f 1349-1373 1933-1938 25 Schenectady (Alco) 1917 NYC
2-6-6-2 NE-2a 1375-1399 - 25 Schenectady (Alco) 1911 NYC&HR
2-8-4 A-1a 1400-1424 - 25 Lima 1926 B&A
2-8-4 A-1b 1425-1444 - 20 Lima 1926-1927 B&A
2-8-4 A-1c 1445-1454 - 10 Lima 1930 B&A
2-Truck Shay 1896-1900 7186-7189 5 Lima 1923 NYC
2-8-0 G-3 2302-2331 30 Schen 1901-1902 NYC&HR
2-8-0 G-1 2332 - 1 Schenectady (Alco) 1901 NYC&HR. A compound design.
2-8-0 G-2 2333-2414 - 82 Schenectady (Alco) 1901-1903 NYC&HR. A compound design.
2-8-0 G-4 2415-2429 2685-2699 15 Schenectady (Alco) 1903 NYC&HR. A compound design.
2-8-0 G-5a, G-5b 2427-2499 - 23 Schenectady, Brooks (Alco) 1903-1904 NYC&HR
4-8-2 L-2d 2450-2499 2950-2599 50 Alco 1929-1930 NYC
4-8-2 L-1a thru L-1d 2500-2684 - 185 Schenectady (Alco), Lima 1916-1918 NYC
2-8-0 G-33 2564-2575 964-975 12 Schenectady (Alco) 1901 B&A. Later rebuilt as 0-8-0s.
2-8-0 G-34a 2576-2589 976-989 14 Schenectady (Alco) 1903 B&A
2-8-0 G-5, G-6 2590-2649 990-1049 60 Schenectady (Alco) 1905-1908 B&A
2-8-0 G-5c thru G-6l 2700-2986 - 287 Schenectady, Brooks (Alco) 1905-1910 NYC&HR
4-8-2 L-2a, L-2c 2700-2899 - 200 Alco 1925-1929 NYC
4-8-2 L-3a thru L-3c 3000-3064 - 65 Schenectady (Alco), Lima 1940-1942 NYC
4-8-2 L-4a, L-4b 3100-3149 - 50 Lima 1942-1944 NYC
2-8-2 H-5a thru H-5e 3600-3721 1202-1247 122 Brooks (Alco), Baldwin 1912 NYC. Rebuilt from 2-8-0s.
2-8-2 H-5p, H-5q 3722-3723 1248-1249 2 Brooks (Alco), NYC 1915 NYC. Rebuilt from 2-8-0s.
2-8-2 H-5h 3725-3774 1253-1275 50 Schenectady (Alco) 1913-1914 NYC. Rebuilt from 2-8-0s.
2-8-2 H-5f, H-5k 3775-3830 1276-1297 56 Brooks (Alco) 1913-1914 NYC. Rebuilt from 2-8-0s.
2-8-2 H-5m, H-5n 3831-3852 1302-1314 22 Brooks (Alco) 1914 NYC. Rebuilt from 2-8-0s.
2-8-2 H-5p 3853-3934 1315-1376 82 Brooks (Alco), NYC 1915-1918 NYC. Rebuilt from 2-8-0s.
2-8-2 H-5h 3935-3984 1435-1484 50 Lima 1916 NYC
2-8-2 H-7a 4000-4009 - 10 Brooks (Alco) 1912 LS&MS
2-8-2 H-7b 4010-4034 2035-2059 25 Brooks (Alco) 1912-1913 LS&MS
2-8-2 H-5p 4071-4115 1377-1530 (not sequential) 45 Brooks (Alco) 1915-1916 NYC. Rebuilt from 2-8-0s.
2-8-2 H-5l 4116-4124 1428-1432 9 Brooks (Alco) 1915-1916 NYC. Rebuilt from 2-8-0s.
2-8-2 H-6a 5100-5149 1800-1849 50 Schenectady (Alco) 1918 USRA, NYC
2-8-2 H-6a 5150-5194 1850-1894 45 Lima 1918-1919 USRA, NYC
2-8-0 G-16v, G-16w 5385-5399 485-499 (Nickel Plate) 15 Brooks, Schenectady (Alco) 1911-1912 LE&W
2-8-0 G-46f 5401-5424 1122-1125 24 Brooks (Alco) 1910 CI&S
2-8-0 G-5, G-6 5449-5499 - 51 Brooks (Alco) 1905-1910 IHB, CI&S
2-8-0 G-44 5515-5539 - 25 Brooks (Alco) 1904 LE&W, LEA&W
2-8-2 H-6a 5540-5554 586-600 (Nickel Plate) 15 Baldwin 1918 USRA, LE&W
2-8-0 G-46g 5561-5575 1130-1131 15 Brooks (Alco) 1911 LS&MS
2-8-0 G-46d 5576-5595 9662-9681 20 Brooks (Alco) 1909 LS&MS
2-8-0 G-40 5596-5599 - 4 Brooks (Alco) 1902 Lake Erie, Alliance & Wheeling Railroad (LEA&W)
2-8-0 G-5r thru G-6v 5600-5699 - 100 Brooks, Schenectady (Alco) 1907-1911 LS&MS
2-8-0 G-6v 5605-5614 475-484 (Nickel Plate) 10 Brooks (Alco) 1911 LE&W
2-8-0 G-42a, G-42b 5700-5749 - 50 Brooks (Alco) 1899-1900 LS&MS
2-8-0 G-46c 5877-5891 - 15 Brooks (Alco) 1907 LEA&W
0-8-8-0 NU-1a 5897-5899 7097-7099 3 Brooks (Alco) 1913 NYC
0-8-8-0 NU-1c 5900-5905 7100-7105 6 Brooks (Alco) 1916 NYC
2-8-0 G-5a thru G-5z 5900-5999 - 100 Brooks, Schenectady (Alco) 1904-1906 LS&MS
0-8-8-0 NU-1e 5906-5908 7106-7108 3 Schenectady (Alco) 1921 NYC
2-8-2 H-5l 6000-6063 1502-1563 64 Brooks (Alco) 1913-1915 (Rebuilt) CCC&StL
2-8-2 H-5s, H-5t 6064-6088 1564-1588 25 Lima 1916 CCC&StL
2-8-2 H-6a 6089-6113 1700-1724 25 Baldwin 1918 USRA, CCC&StL
2-8-2 H-5l 6125-6149 1485-1531 25 Brooks (Alco) 1913 (Rebuilt) CCC&StL
2-8-2 H-7e 6150-6199 1950-1999 50 Schenectady (Alco) 1920 CCC&StL
4-8-2 L-2b, L-2d 6200-6249 2900-2949 50 Alco 1929 CCC&StL
2-8-0 G-5, G-6 6618-6842 - 125 Brooks, Schenectady (Alco) 1905-1911 CCC&StL
2-8-2 H-5l 6698-6722 1625-1649 25 Brooks (Alco) 1913-1915 (Rebuild) CCC&StL
2-8-0 G-46h 6843-6872 1143-1172 30 Brooks 1912 CCC&StL
2-8-0 G-46i 6873-6882 1173-1182 10 Brooks (Alco) 1912 P&E
2-8-0 G-80f 7554-7567 - 14 MLW 1905 CS
2-8-0 G-6p, G-6u 7610-7627 1130-1142 (not sequential) 18 MLW 1910 CS
2-8-0 G-5s thru G-6t 7800-7867 1112-1141 (not sequential) 68 Brooks, Schenectady (Alco) 1907-1910 -
2-8-2 H-7c, H-7d 7900-7934 2000-2034 35 Brooks (Alco) 1913 MC
2-8-2 H-7e 7960-7969 2060-2069 10 Schenectady (Alco) 1920 MC
2-8-2 H-6a 7970-7989 1770-1789 20 Schenectady (Alco) 1918 USRA, MC
2-8-2 H-10a 8000 2090 1 Lima 1922 MC
0-8-8-0 NU-1d 8700-8701 7109-7110 2 Brooks (Alco) 1916 MC
0-8-8-0 NU-1b 9090-9091 - 2 Brooks (Alco) 1916 P&LE
2-8-0 G-102b 9375-9377 - 3 Pittsburgh (Alco) 1907 P&LE
2-8-0 G-103 9378-9392 - 15 Pittsburgh (Alco) 1910 P&LE
2-8-0 G-104 9393-9397 - 5 Pittsburgh (Alco) 1910 P&LE
2-8-4 A-2a - 9400-9406 7 Alco 1948 P&LE
2-8-0 G-102b 9422-9424 - 3 Pittsburgh (Alco) 1907 Pittsburgh, McKeesport & Youghiogheny
2-8-2 H-8a 9500-9504 - 5 Brooks (Alco) 1916 P&LE
2-8-2 H-9b 9505-9509 - 5 Schenectady (Alco) 1919 USRA, P&LE
2-8-2 H-9d 9510-9519 - 10 Baldwin 1919 USRA, P&LE
2-8-2 H-8d 9520-9524 - 5 Brooks (Alco) 1920 P&LE
2-8-2 H-8a, thru H-8c 9550-9579 - 30 Brooks (Alco) 1916-1918 PMcK&Y
2-8-2 H-9a 9580-9589 - 10 Brooks (Alco) 1918 USRA, PMcK&Y
2-8-2 H-9c 9590-9594 - 5 Schenectady (Alco) 1919 USRA, PMcK&Y
2-8-0 G-46e 9652-9661 1112-1121 10 Schenectady (Alco) 1912 T&OC
2-8-2 H-6a 9732-9746 1732-1746 15 Schenectady (Alco) 1918 USRA, T&OC


Wheel Arrangement Class Original Road Numbers Second Road Numbers Quantity Builder(s) Completion Date(s) Subsidiary/Notes
2-4-4T D-1, D-2 37-49 1911-1920 10 Brooks (Alco) 1910-1912 NYC&HR
4-6-6T D-1a 400-404 1295-1299 5 Schenectady (Alco) 1899-1900 Boston & Albany
2-8-2T HXa, HXb 555-559 9500-9504 5 Brooks (Alco) 1902-1912 K&M
2-6-6T D-2a, D-2b 1250-1267 300-317 18 Schenectady (Alco) 1906-1907 Boston & Albany
2-6-6T J 1407-1422 - 16 Schenectady (Alco) 1901-1902 Rebuilt as 2-6-0s.

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