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Chessie System (Railroad): Map, Logo, Roster, History

Last revised: December 6, 2024

By: Adam Burns

The Chessie System as an independent corporate entity would last but a mere eight years and in total survived barely a decade.

However, its legacy lives on thanks largely to its colorful and attractive livery. The railroad itself was comprised of three principle subsidiaries; the Chesapeake & Ohio, Baltimore & Ohio, and Western Maryland.

Its earliest beginnings trace back to the C&O's takeover of the B&O in the early 1960s, the latter also controlling the WM.  

From a corporate standpoint the railroad was quite a moneymaker, thanks to the C&O's strong performance in coal the system earned handsome profits during a time when the industry was struggling.


In the early 1970s the trio unveiled a dazzling new paint scheme of blue, yellow, and vermilion with the Chessie the kitten’s silhouette overlaid in the Chessie "C."

By that time most railroads had lost interest in eye-catching designs with the cessation of privately-operated trains.  However, many journalists, and even executives, were impressed by the new look that endures through today.


7j46579jnd26637484h5t5.jpgA sea of first and early second-generation motive-power belonging to the Chessie System family of railroads (Baltimore & Ohio, Chesapeake & Ohio, and Western Maryland) sit in the dead line at Cumberland, Maryland during the 1980's. Allen Brougham photo/Wade Massie collection.

Railroads Comprising (B&O, C&O, WM)

After a drawn out battle with New York Central the Chesapeake & Ohio won control of the Baltimore & Ohio with the Interstate Commerce Commission formally approving the merger on December 31, 1962.  This signaled the beginning of what later became the Chessie System.  

That same decade the B&O acquired control of the Western Maryland in 1968.  The WM was essentially a much smaller version of the B&O, running between Baltimore and Connellsville, Pennsylvania via Cumberland, Maryland.  In addition, it operated a southerly extension to Elkins, West Virginia and branches south of that town.  

The WM often paralleled the B&O in many locations and handled considerable coal within the same regions although it never reached the many markets of its rival.  Despite its regional status, employees of the "Wild Mary" took great pride in their company with extremely well-maintained equipment and rights-of-way.

At A Glance


Baltimore, Maryland: Standard Oil Building (Western Maryland)

Baltimore, Maryland: Baltimore & Ohio Building (Baltimore & Ohio

Richmond, Virginia: 823 East Main Street (Chesapeake & Ohio)

States Served
Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, New York, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri (St. Louis), Michigan
Canadian Provinces Served
Dates Of Operation
February 26, 1973 - August 31, 1987
Route Miles
Track Gauge
4 Feet, 8 ½ Inches
Principal Lines

Newport News - Richmond, Virginia - Huntington, West Virginia, Cincinnati, Ohio - Hammond, Indiana

Ashland, Kentucky - Louisville, Kentucky

Siloam, Kentucky - Columbus - Toledo, Ohio

Toledo - Plymouth - Saginaw - Ludington, Michigan (carferry service to Manitowoc, Kewaunee, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

South Chicago, Indiana - Holland - Muskegon, Michigan

Holland - Grand Rapids - Lansing - Detroit

Detroit - Windsor - Niagara Falls/Buffalo, New York

Saginaw - Port Huron, Michigan

Clifton Forge - Gordonsville - Washington, D.C.

Richmond - Gordonsville

Baltimore - Cumberland - Connellsville (WM)

Cumberland - Elkins

Baltimore - Cumberland (B&O)

Cumberland, Maryland - Grafton - Parkersburg, West Virginia - Cincinnati - St. Louis

Cumberland - Pittsburgh - Chicago

Huntington - Parkersburg - Wheeling, West Virginia - Pittsburgh

Buffalo - Punxsutawney - Eidenau, Pennsylvania

Ashford - Rochester/Charlotte, New York

Wheeling - Columbus - Midland City

Cincinnati - Hamilton, Ohio - Indianapolis - Springfield, Illinois - Beardstown, Illinois

Hamilton - Dayton - Toledo, Ohio

Wheeling - Lorain, Ohio

Cleveland - Akron - Mineral City

Youngstown - Painesville, Ohio

Newark - Willard - Sandusky, Ohio

North Vernon, Indiana - Louisville

Clarksburg - Fairmont, West Virginia - Connellsville, Pennsylvania

Grafton - Charleston, West Virginia

Washington, D.C. - Baltimore - Philadelphia

Philadelphia - Jersey City (Reading/Jersey Central/Conrail trackage rights)

CSX Transportation

At the time of the C&O takeover, the B&O was dealing with chronic financial problems; had the much more profitable Chessie not acquired our country's first common-carrier it was likely headed for bankruptcy.

History could have been entirely different had the NYC wooed the B&O board and gained control, or at least formed a three-way consortium with the C&O.

0950212747198523h52850160879.jpgBaltimore & Ohio power, wearing their Chessie System liveries, provide a splash of color to an otherwise colorless backdrop at Benwood, West Virginia in late March of 1975. Pictured is GP40-2's #4189 and #4197 along with GP38 #3807. Photographer unknown. American-Rails.com collection.

Interested in the potential the B&O could offer, in terms of both a more southerly reach as well as gaining access to additional coal fields, NYC's president, Alfred Perlman, tried to do just that.  

Perlman had success in turning around the Central's fortunes during the 1950s but realized it needed a merger partner to better compete against the Pennsylvania Railroad and assure its future.  

Unfortunately, rebuffed by the Baltimore road and pressured to find a partner he was forced to eventually join the PRR, forming the disastrous Penn Central system in 1968.

89771u2888uu20097jmmky829878.jpgThe Chessie System logo. Author's work.

Following the takeover, rather than merge the B&O out of existence the C&O chose to gradually combine the two railroads (slowly merging departments and other management areas in due course).  In doing so the parent was more of an ally than owner.

This was done for several reasons but two of the most important was so as it did not upset the extremely loyal B&O employees (who would never accept an outright take over and dissolution of their beloved corporation) and retain the tax exempt status the B&O held in the State of Maryland.  

Chessie System/B&O SD40-2 #7611; April, 1983. Location not recorded. American-Rails.com collection.

This setup would last until February 26, 1973 when a new holding company was formally created in Virginia to acquire all three railroads, known as the Chessie System, Inc.

Aside from some consolidated departments the trio continued to operate independently while flashing a vibrant new paint scheme of blue, yellow, and vermilion (sub-lettering was applied to owning equipment; "B&O," "C&O," and "WM"). This would change slightly in 1976 when the Chessie began to operate more as a unified, railroad.

Public Relations Spotlights

Much like the Norfolk Southern carried out later with its two steam programs and heritage initiatives during the 2010s, the Chessie System did the same during the 1970s and early 1980s.  

Then-C&O president Hays Watkins, in addition to being an excellent manager, loved railroads and was unabashed about sharing that affinity with the public beginning with the unveiling of Baltimore & Ohio GP40-2 #1977 wearing the new Chessie System livery in 1972.  

In 1982, Trains Magazine named B&O GP38 #3802 as the "All American Locomotive" (complete with a plaque, it is now housed indoors at the B&O Railroad Museum wearing its Chessie System livery) while a new Baltimore & Ohio GP40-2 in September, 1972 was given the number "GM50" and painted solid gold with blue markings to celebrate General Motors' 50th Anniversary building locomotives (the unit was later renumbered 4164).

Baltimore & Ohio SD9 #1837 is seen here in Cumberland, Maryland during March, 1975. The unit was assigned to hump yard service during this time. American-Rails.com collection.

After its stint carrying the "American Freedom Train," Reading 4-8-4 #2101 (T-1) was repainted into company colors and paraded around the Chessie System's network from 1977 until 1978 as part of the Chessie Steam Special to celebrate the Chessie System's sesquicentennial during 1977 and Baltimore & Ohio's 150th Anniversary.  

With matching equipment, the train ultimately traveled through 10 states, carried 54,900 passengers, and traversed 18,641 miles in the process.  

A few years later a similar event was carried out from September 13, 1980 to November 1, 1981.  It was known as the "Chessie Safety Express" and was a PR program to educate the public about grade-crossing safety.  

The train was pulled by restored Chesapeake & Ohio 4-8-4 Greenbrier #614 and went off as another great success.  Alas, these magical and fondly remembered PR events had largely been discontinued under CSX by the early 1990s.

In 1971, Hays T. Watkins, Jr. was tapped as president of the Chesapeake & Ohio.  An excellent railroader with strong leadership skills, Watkins believed all three railroads needed a unique corporate moniker in which to describe their affiliation.   

It was similar to a concept the Louisville & Nashville, Seaboard Coast Line, West Point Route, and Clinchfield conceived at around the same time when they began painting "Family Lines System" on each railroad's equipment (the difference being that "Family Lines" was a marketing affiliation only).  

System Map (1978)

Watkins' team came up with the term "Chessie System," a name not new to the C&O.  During the depths of the Great Depression the railroad was looking for ways to boost its sagging passenger business; folks were continuing to struggle during this economic downturn and automobiles were further hurting the industry's rail travel sector.  

Lionel Probert, the company's publication relations officer at the time, noticed in a newspaper ad a cuddly sleeping kitten and tracked down the artist, Guido Grenewald, who lived in Vienna, Austria.

His piece was tailored towards animal kindness but Probert saw it as a chance to promote the railroad's new air-conditioned sleeping cars and revitalize sagging patronage. 

According to Thomas Dixon, Jr.'s, "Chesapeake & Ohio Railway: A Concise History And Fact Book," he purchased Grenewald's work for $5 and added the slogan, "Sleep Like A Kitten And Wake Up Fresh As A Daisy In Air-Conditioned Comfort."  

They named the kitten, Chessie, after the railroad and the first advertisement appeared in Fortune Magazine's September, 1933 issue.  It was an immediate public sensation, which not only propelled ticket sales but also merchandising.  

Chessie has been argued as the greatest marketing idea ever conceived by a railroad and is most commonly remembered in scenes with the simple slogan, "Sleep Like A Kitten." As rail travel waned in the postwar period, Chessie gradually disappeared from C&O's advertising and by the late 1960s had largely been forgotten by the public.

Chessie System/Chesapeake & Ohio caboose #3190 is seen here in Charlottesville, Virginia during March of 1975. American-Rails.com collection.

Chessie The Cat

Watikins delegated the search for a new corporate logo and paint scheme to Howard Skidmore, then-C&O's public relations officer.  He tapped a subordinate, Franklyn Carr, who led the creative department, to come up with a design. 

There were several factors to consider; the new company needed a bright paint scheme to attract attention for safety reasons while bold lettering would show strength and also catch the eye.  

In addition, since the new Chessie System would not only act as a holding company but also slowly integrate operations over time the concept of separate identities was no longer of primary concern.  

Carr, using the C&O's famous kitten as a template, overlaid the design within a large letter, "C" as a silhouette.   His boss, and the C&O board, loved the concept and quickly approved it.  When applied to a locomotive, "Chessie System" was centered on the carbody against a large backdrop of C&O's "Federal Yellow."

The rest of the paint scheme featured C&O's "Enchantment Blue" (a dark hue, similar to the B&O's "Royal Blue") along the skirting and roof-line while thin bands of "Vermillion" (a reddish/orange color) completed the look.  The entire livery encompassed everything top management had requested.  

The first locomotive painted was Baltimore & Ohio GP40-2 #1977, unveiled in Cleveland, Ohio following its completion by General Motors in August of 1972.  The year also coincided with the B&O's 150th anniversary and is why it was given this particular number.  

Of note, much of the public was first shown the new Chessie System scheme during GM's Executive Conference held at the C&O's Greenbrier Resort in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia in November of 1972.

In this case, a new unit, #4163, was renumbered 1977 and presented at the conference (the original had been renumbered 4100 and placed into active service).  It is most often the locomotive photographed as #1977.

Chessie System bay-window caboose C-3718 in a special purple paint scheme to highlight safety at Cumberland, Maryland; December, 1974. American-Rails.com collection.

CSX Transportation

Operationally, the Chessie System maintained most of its subsidiary's original networks early on, except for the Western Maryland.  

In 1975 it abandoned the WM's Connellsville Extension and slowly removed or sold other segments until the creation of CSX Transportation in 1986 (today, little remains of the WM's network).  

The 1980s also witnessed segments of the C&O and B&O removed with the latter's St. Louis main line severed after 1985.  

By this time the Chessie roads were integrating with those of Seaboard System.  On July 1, 1986 CSX Transportation was born to operate CSX Corporation's (formed on November 1, 1980) railroad division.  

While the southern roads were merged into their holding company on December 29, 1982 (Seaboard System, whose name disappeared with CSXT's creation) the Chessie System roads survived for a few more years.  

According to Trains Magazine, the Western Maryland was the first to disappear, merged into the B&O on May 1, 1983.  

The B&O and C&O survived as "paper" companies for nearly a year into the CSXT era: B&O vanished into the C&O on April 30, 1987 (ironically it had just celebrated its 160th birthday on April 24th).  Finally, the C&O was formally dissolved as a corporate entity on August 31, 1987.  

Chessie System/B&O caboose C-3831 at the B&O's shops and roundhouse in Chillicothe, Ohio along the St. Louis main line (since abandoned); March, 1975. Little remains here today but the roundhouse base. American-Rails.com collection.

The last new locomotives to carry Chessie System paint were a batch of SD50's Electro-Motive delivered during the summer of 1984.  

Ironically, in contrast to the Chessie's brilliant livery the new CSX scheme was dull and bland, originally featuring only grey and deep blue with simple "CSX" markings.  

Even today, more than 30 years since it was created, the CSX livery is rather straightforward and the most unimaginative of all the Class I's.  

It is rather interesting that for a railroad which survived independently for only eight years, and fifteen altogether, the Chessie System continues to hold true a mystic about it; not only has there been several books honoring its history but also hobbyists and modeling manufacturers continue to produce its equipment.

Perhaps this is due to both its alluring paint scheme as well as the legendary railroads that made up the road. Whatever the reason there is no denying the impact it continues to hold over railfans and historians today and will undoubtedly continue to so into the future. 

Diesel Roster


Model Type Builder Road Number Subsidiary Serial Number Completion Date Notes
GP40-2 EMD GM50 B&O 4164 7365-14 8/1972 Adorned in a gold-painted 50th Anniversary livery celebrating GM's 50 years of manufacturing locomotives.
GP7 EMD 1502-1504 C&O 5705, 5747, 5764 10154, 15253, 15270 6/1950, 10/1951-11/1951 -
GP7 EMD 1505-1506 C&O 5817, 5778 17038, 15284 10/1952, 12/1951 -
GP7 EMD 1507-1508 C&O 5839, 5733 17286, 17280 10/1952 -
SD7 EMD 1827-1830 B&O 761-764 18683-18686 11/1953 Later numbered B&O 7401-7404 in pre-Chessie System era.
SD9 EMD 1831-1838 B&O 765-766, 772, 767-771 20121-20128 12/1954 Later numbered B&O 7405, 7406, 7412, 7407-7411 in pre-Chessie System era.
SD9 EMD 1839-1840 B&O 773-774 20451-20452 12/1954 Later numbered B&O 7413-7414 in pre-Chessie System era.
GP40-2 EMD 1977 (1st) B&O 4100 7365-1 8/1972 -
GP40-2 EMD 1977 (2nd) B&O 4163 7365-15 8/1972 -
GP38-2 EMD 2000-2009 - 796333-1 thru 796333-10 1/1981 Built as Chicago, South Shore & South Bend 2000-2009.
U23B GE 2300-2339 C&O 2300-2339 37228-37257 9/1969-10/1969 -
GP30 EMD 3000-3015 C&O 3000-3015 27798-27799, 27584-27597 8/1962-12/1962 -
GP30 EMD 3016-3047 C&O 3016-3047 28410-28411, 28494-28523 8/1963, 10/1963 -
U30C GE 3300-3303 C&O 3300-3303 36300-36303 6/1967 -
U30C GE 3304-3312 C&O 3304-3312 36767-36775 5/1968-7/1968 -
GP35 EMD 3500-3519 B&O 3500-3519 29090-29109 3/1964-4/1964 -
GP35 EMD 3520-3539 C&O 3520-3539 29110-29129 4/1964-6/1964 -
GP35 EMD 3540-3559 B&O 3540-3559 29372-29391 7/1964-9/1964 -
GP35 EMD 3560-3575 C&O 3560-3575 29392-29407 9/1964-11/1964 -
GP35 EMD 3576-3580 WM 501-505 28849-28853 11/1963 -
GP35 EMD 3581 B&O 3581 31262 12/1965 -
GP35 EMD 3582 C&O 3582 31439 12/1965 -
GP35 EMD 3583-3584 C&O 3045, 3047 30987-30988 9/1965 -
GP40 EMD 3684-3699 B&O 3684-3699 32644-32659 11/1966 -
GP40 EMD 3700-3739 B&O 3700-3739 34823-34862 2/1969-4/1969 -
GP40 EMD 3740-3764 B&O 3740-3764 36721-36745 2/1971-3/1971 --
GP40 EMD 3765-3779 B&O 3765-3779 37189-37203 2/1971-3/1971 -
GP40 EMD 3780-3794 C&O 3780-3794 39246-39260 12/1971 -
GP40 EMD 3795-3799 WM 3795-3799 37886-37890 8/1971 -
GP38 EMD 3800-3849 B&O 3800-3849 33318-33367 10/1967-11/1967 -
GP38 EMD 3850-3899 C&O 3850-3899 33681-33730 11/1967-12/1967 -
GP39 EMD 3900-3919 C&O 3900-3919 34785-34808 5/1969-7/1969 -
GP40 EMD 4000-4064 B&O 4000-4064 38480-38544 8/1971-10/1971 -
GP40 EMD 4065-4089 C&O 4065-4089 38545-38569 5/1971-11/1971 -
GP40 EMD 4090-4089 C&O 4090-4089 39236-39245 5/1971-8/1971 -
GP40-2 EMD 4101-4112 B&O 4101-4112 7365-2 thru 7365-13 8/1972-9/1972 -
GP40-2 EMD 4113-4162 B&O 4113-4162 7365-16 thru 7365-65 9/1972-10/1972 -
GP40-2 EMD 4165-4184 C&O 4165-4184 7394-1 thru 7394-20 11/1972 -
GP40-2 EMD 4185-4246 B&O 4185-4246 74695-1 thru 74695-62 4/1975-6/1975 -
GP40-2 EMD 4247-4256 B&O 4247-4256 767034-1 thru 767034-10 2/1977 -
GP40-2 EMD 4257-4261 WM 4257-4261 767049-1 thru 767049-5 2/1977 -
GP40-2 EMD 4262-4281 C&O 4262-4281 776085-1 thru 776085-20 1/1978 -
GP40-2 EMD 4262-4286 C&O 4262-4286 777094-1 thru 777094-5 1/1978 -
GP40-2 EMD 4287-4307 B&O 4287-4307 776091-1 thru 776091-21 1/1978-2/1978 -
GP40-2 EMD 4308-4311 B&O 4308-4311 777051-1 thru 777051-4 3/1978 -
GP40-2 EMD 4312-4321 WM 4312-4321 786158-1 to 786158-10 11/1978 -
GP40-2 EMD 4322-4351 B&O 4322-4351 787227-1 thru 787227-30 2/1979-3/1979 -
GP40-2 EMD 4352-4371 WM 4352-4371 787172-1 thru 787172-20 1/1979-3/1979 -
GP40-2 EMD 4372-4391 C&O 4372-4391 786288-1 thru 786288-20 2/1980-3/1980 -
GP40-2 EMD 4392-4421 C&O 4392-4421 787289-1 thru 787289-30 2/1980 -
GP40-2 EMD 4422-4447 B&O 4422-4447 807014-1 thru 807014-26 5/1981-6/1981 -
GP38 EMD 4800-4819 B&O 4800-4819 36676-37795 8/1970-12/1970 -
GP38 EMD 4820-4829 C&O 4820-4829 36666-37775 7/1970-8/1970 -
GP7 EMD 5601-5608, 5612 B&O 5601-5608, 5612 17500-17507, 17511 1/1953 Built as B&O 911-918, 922
GP7 EMD 5613-5624 B&O 5613-5624 18694-18705 9/1953 Built as B&O 720-731.
GP7 EMD 5632-5635 WM 5632-5635 1128-11231 4/1950 Built as WM 20-23.
GP7 EMD 5701, 5704, 5707-5709, 5715, 5719 C&O 5701, 5704, 5707-5709, 5715, 5719 10129, 10132, 10136-10139, 10143 6/1950 -
GP7 EMD 5713-5714 C&O 5713-5714 10535, 10536 3/1950 -
GP7 GMD 5730-5738 C&O 5730-5738 A164-A169, A239-A241 4/1951-6/1951 -
GP7 EMD 5739-5795 C&O 5739-5795 15245-15301 10/1951-1/1952 -
GP7 EMD 5800, 5802, 5804-5806, 5811 C&O 5800, 5802, 5804-5806, 5811 16692, 16694, 16696-16699, 16703 5/1952-6/1952 -
GP7 EMD 5812-5813, 5815, 5818-5822, 5824-5828 C&O 5812-5813, 5815, 5818-5822, 5824-5828 17033-17034, 17036, 17039-17043, 17045-17049 10/1952-11/1952 -
GP7 EMD 5831, 5834, 5836-5842, 5844-5846, 5850-5851, 5853-5854 C&O 5831, 5834, 5836-5842, 5844-5846, 5850-5851, 5853-5854 17278, 17281, 17283-17285, 17289-17291, 17294-17296, 17300-17301, 17303-17304 10/1952-2/1953 -
GP7 EMD 5856-5857, 5859-5860, 5862-5868, 5870-5873, 5875-5879, 5882-5894 C&O 5856-5857, 5859-5860, 5862-5868, 5870-5873, 5875-5879, 5882-5894 18077, 18078, 18080, 18060-18061, 18036-18042, 18044-18047, 18049-18053, 18056-18059, 18065-18073 4/1953-5/1953 -
GP9 EMD 5901-5917 C&O 5901-5917 20183-20199 12/1954 -
GP9 EMD 5920, 5922-5923, 5925, 5931 C&O 5920, 5922-5923, 5925, 5931 21193, 21195-21196, 21198, 20648 12/1955, 8/1955 -
GP9 EMD 5921, 5926, 5928, 5930, 5932 C&O 5921, 5926, 5928; 5930, 5932 21194, 21199, 21201; 20647, 20649 12/1955; 8/1955 -
GP9 EMD 5933 WM 5933 20650 8/1955 Built as C&O 5933.
GP9 EMD 5934-5937, 5939 B&O 5934-5937, 5939 20651-20654, 20848 8/1955 Built as C&O 5934-5937, 5939.
GP9 EMD 5940-5941, 5944 WM 5940-5941, 5944 20849-20850, 20853 8/1955 Built as C&O 5940-5941, 5944.
GP9 EMD 5943, 5945-5950 B&O 5943, 5945-5950 20852, 20854-20859 8/1955-9/1955 Built as C&O 5943, 5945-5950.
GP9 EMD 5951-5956 WM 5951-5956 20860-20865 9/1955 Built as C&O 5951-5956.
GP9 EMD 5957-5962, 5964-5968 B&O 5957-5962, 5964-5968 20866-20871, 20873-20877 9/1955-10/1955 Buil as C&O 5957-5962, 5964-5968.
GP9 EMD 5970-5979 B&O 5970-5979 20879-20886, 21026-21027 10/1955 Built as C&O 5970-5979.
GP9 EMD 5980-5983 B&O 5980-5983 21028-21031 10/1955 Built as C&O 5980-5983.
GP9 EMD 5984-5987 C&O 5984-5987 21032-21035 10/1955 -
GP9 EMD 5989-5999 C&O 5989-5999 21037-21045, 21182-21183 11/1955-12/1955 -
GP9 EMD 6000-6001, 6003-6007 C&O 6000-6001, 6003-6007 21184-21185, 21187-21192 12/1955 -
GP9 EMD 6009-6024 C&O 6009-6024 21487-21502 3/1956 -
GP9 EMD 6030-6058 C&O 6030-6058 21508-21511, 21524-21538, 21686-21695 3/1956, 4/1956, 6/1956 -
GP9 EMD 6060-6099 C&O 6060-6099 21697-21719, 21720-21725, 22090-22100 6/1956 -
GP9 EMD 6135-6150 C&O 6135-6150 22043-22058 9/1956-11/1956 -
GP9 EMD 6152-6193 C&O 6152-6193 22060-22066, 22540-22547, 22550-22576 11/1956-12/1956 -
GP9 EMD 6195-6208 C&O 6195-6208 22578-22591 11/1956-12/1956 -
GP9 EMD 6209-6250 C&O 6209-6250 23368-23397, 23501-23512 6/1957-8/1957 -
GP9 EMD 6251-6263 C&O 6251-6263 23513-23525 8/1957 -
GP9 EMD 6400-6420 WM 6400-6420 19548-19551, 20355-20356, 20887-20888, 20664, 21619-21620, 22067, 22425-22426, 23270-23271, 23906-23910 5/1954-57 Built as WM 25-45. 33 was built as demonstrator 7257.
GP9 EMD 6425-6446 B&O 6425-6446 20429-20444, 20423-20428 4/1955-5/1955 Built as B&O 675-696.
GP9 EMD 6447-6510 B&O 6447-6510 22191-22254 8/1956-10/1956 -
GP9 EMD 6511-6570 B&O 6511-6570 22985-23044 5/1957-7/1957 -
GP9 EMD 6571 B&O 6571 23641 5/1957 -
GP9 EMD 6572-6598 B&O 6572-6598 24356-24382 1/1958-2/1958 -
GP9 EMD 6600-6605 B&O 6600-6605 20417-20422 4/1955 ex-B&O 3407-3412; built as B&O 747-752.
GP9 EMD 6606-6611 B&O 6606-6611 22255-22260 10/1956 Built as B&O 3413-3418.
GP9 EMD 6612-6618 B&O 6612-6618 22418-22424 10/1956 Built as B&O 3419-3425.
GP9 EMD 6650-6658 B&O 6650-6658 22101-22109 7/1956 Built as B&O 6100-6108.
GP9 EMD 6659-6673, 6675-6680, 6682 B&O 6659-6673, 6675-6680, 6682 22017-22019, 22035-22040, 22041 9/1956 -
GP30 EMD 6900-6972 B&O 6900-6972 27617-27689 10/1962-12/1962 -
GP30 EMD 6973-6976 B&O 6973-6976 27690-27693 1/1963 -
BL2 EMD 7171-7172 WM 7171-7172 5921-5922 10/1948 Built as WM 81-82.
SD18 EMD 7300-7318 C&O 1800-1818 27598-27616 1963 -
SD35 EMD 7400-7419 B&O 7400-7419 29408-29427 7/1964-10/1964 -
SD35 EMD 7420-7431 C&O 7420-7431 29428-29439 9/1964-11/1964 -
SD35 EMD 7425 (2nd), 7428 (2nd) C&O 7425, 7428 30741, 30740 8/1965 -
SD35 EMD 7432-7436 WM 7432-7436 29890-29894 12/64 --
SD35 EMD 7437-7440 B&O 7437-7440 30706-30709 9/1965 -
SD40 EMD 7500 B&O 7500 34778 4/1969 -
SD40 EMD 7501-7506 C&O 7501-7506 34779-34784 4/1969 -
SD40 EMD 7507-7516 C&O 7507-7516 36696-36705 6/1970-7/1970 -
SD40 EMD 7517-7526 C&O 7517-7526 36746-36755 6/1970-7/1970 -
SD40 EMD 7527-7536 C&O 7527-7536 37204-37213 3/1971 -
SD40 EMD 7545-7549 WM 7545-7549 34967-34971 6/1969-7/1969 Built as WM 7445-7549.
SD40 EMD 7550-7569 C&O 7450-7469 31929-31948 7/1966-8/1966 -
SD40 EMD 7570-7574 WM 7570-7574 32134-32138 8/1966 Built as WM 7470-7474.
SD40 EMD 7575-7581 C&O 7475-7481 33154-33160 5/1967-6/1967 -
SD40 EMD 7591-7594 B&O 7491-7495 33170-33173 5/1967 -
SD40 EMD 7595-7596 WM 7595-7596 34104, 34105 11/1968 Built as WM 7495-7496.
SD40 EMD 7597-7599 B&O 7597-7599 34775-34777 4/1969 Built as B&O 7497-7499.
SD40-2 EMD 7600-7609 B&O 7600-7609 767033-1 thru 767033-10 1/1977-2/1977 -
SD40-2 EMD 7610-7619 B&O 7610-7619 767033-11 thru 767033-20 2/1977 -
SD20-2 EMD 7700-7704 B&O 7401, 7403-7406 - 1981 Rebuilt as derated, 2000 horsepower SD35s.
U25B GE 8100-8104 C&O 8100-8104 34566-34567, 34569-34570, 34568 8/1963 Built as C&O 2500-2504.
U25B GE 8105-8137 C&O 8105-8137 34724-34726, 34731-34760 8/1963-1/1964 Built as C&O 2505-2537.
U30B GE 8200-8209 C&O 8200-8209 38218-38227 12/1971-1/1972 -
U30B GE 8210-8222 C&O 8210-8222 38475-38487 11/1972-12/1972 -
U30B GE 8223-8224 C&O 8223-8224 35881, 35880 5/1966 Former GE demonstrators 302, 301.
U30B GE 8225-8234 C&O 8225-8234 40068-40077 12/1974 -
SD40 EMD 8360-8365 C&O 8360-8365. 34775-34777 4/1969 Built as C&O 7501-7506.
SD50 EMD 8576-8595 B&O 8576-8595 837081-1 thru 837081-20 7/1984-8/1984 -
SD50 EMD 8553-8575 C&O 8553-8575 837057-1 thru 837057-23 1/1984-2/1984 -
SD50 EMD 8624-8643 C&O 8624-8643 857095-1 thru 857095-20 10/1985-11/1985 -


Model Type Builder Road Number Subsidiary Serial Number Completion Date Notes
Slug Alco 138T WM 138T 69479 7/1941 Rebuilt from Western Maryland S1 #102. Later modified again in 1967 by replacing Blunt trucks with AAR Type A's from Western Marlyand VO1000 #130.
Slug Baldwin 139T WM 139T 76018 3/1955 Rebuilt from the frame of a Monogahela Railway S12 and equipped with Blomberg trucks.
NW2 EMD 5061-5065, 5069 B&O 5061-5065, 5069 10382-10386, 10370 9/1949 Built as C&O 5061-5065, 5069.
NW2 EMD 5066-5068, 5070-5072 C&O 5066-5068, 5070-5072 10367-10369, 10371-10683 6/1949, 8/1949 -
NW2 EMD 5074-5077, 5079 B&O 5074-5077, 5079 10375-10378, 10380 8/1949 Built as C&O 5074-5077, 5079.
NW2 EMD 5200-5213 C&O 5200-5213 10259-10272 9/1949 -
NW2 EMD 5277-5278, 5281, 5284, 5287, 5297-5298 C&O 5277-5278, 5281, 5284, 5287, 5297-5298 1717-1718, 3464, 3467, 3470, 5555-5556 2/1943-3/1943, 11/1945-5/1946, 4/1948 ex-PM 53-54, 56, 59, 62; ex-Manistee & North-Eastern 2-3
SW9 EMD 5081-5084, 5093 C&O 5081-5084, 5093 11714-11717 4/1952 -
SW9 EMD 5093 C&O 5093 19299 12/1953 -
SW7 EMD 5215-5239 C&O 5215-5239 10274-10298 1/1950-3/1950 -
SW9 EMD 5245-5265 C&O 5245-5265 15504-15524 10/1951-11/1951 -
SW1 EMD 8401 B&O 8401 1099 8/1940 Built as B&O 201.
SW1 EMD 8404-8414 B&O 8404-8414 1102-1112 8/1940 Built as B&O 204-214.
SW1 EMD 8416, 8418, 8421 B&O 8416, 8418, 8421 1601, 1603, 1606 5/1942 Built as B&OCT 216, 218, 221.
S4 Alco 9001-9005 B&O 9001-9005 80955-80959 11/1953-12/1953 Built as B&O 535-539.
S4 Alco 9007 B&O 9007 80963 12/1953 Built as B&O 541.
S4 Alco 9008-9010 B&O 9008-9010 81320-81322 4/1955 Built as B&O 468-470.
S4 Alco 9011, 9013, 9015 B&O 9011, 9013, 9015 81323, 81325, 81327 4/1955 Built as B&O 471, 473, 542.
S4 Alco 9017-9018 B&O 9017-9018 81329-81330 4/1955 Built as B&O 544-545.
S2 Alco 9022-9024 B&O 9022-9024 70251-70253 4/1943-11/1943 Built as B&O 478-480.
S2 Alco 9027-9028 B&O 9027-9028 71302-71303 4/1943 Built as B&O 483-484.
S2 Alco 9030-9031 B&O 9030-9031 71310-71311 11/1943 Built as B&O 486-487.
S2 Alco 9033-9035 B&O 9033-9035 72069, 72711-72712 6/1944-7/1944 Built as B&O 489-491.
S2 Alco 9037-9039 B&O 9037-9039 72727, 72892-72893 8/1944-1/1945 Built as B&O 493-495.
S2 Alco 9041, 9044, 9046 B&O 9041, 9044, 9046 72903, 72906, 72908 2/1945 Built as B&O 497, 500, 502.
S2 Alco 9048-9052 B&O 9048-9052 72912-72916 5/1945 Built as B&O 504-508.
S2 Alco 9054-9056 B&O 9054-9056 76161, 767175-76176 8/1945-9/1948 Built as B&O 510-512.
S2 Alco 9058, 9060-9061, 9063 B&O 9058, 9060-9061, 9063 76178, 76180-76181, 76183 9/1948-10/1948 Built as B&O 514, 516-517, 519.
S2 Alco 9068-9069, 9072 B&O 9068-9069, 9072 76205, 76500, 76503 11/1948 Built as B&O 524-525, 528.
S2 Alco 9075-9077 B&O 9075-9077 76506-76508 12/1948 Built as B&O 531-533.
S4 Alco 9078-9079 B&O 9078-9079 81860-81861 4/1956 -
S4 Alco 9081-9089 B&O 9081-9089 81863-81871 4/1956-6/1956 -
S4 Alco 9091-9093 B&O 9091-9093 81873-81875 6/1956 -
S4 Alco 9095-9098 B&O 9095-9098 81877-81879, 81971 6/1956 -
S4 Alco 9100 B&O 9100 81985 2/1957 -
S4 Alco 9102-9108 B&O 9102-9108 81987-81993 4/1957-7/1957 -
S4 Alco 9117-9126 B&O 9117-9126 - - ex-C&O
S1 Alco 9151-9152, 9155 B&O 9151-9152, 9155 72694, 72835, 72841 10/1944-11/1944 Built as B&O 223, 224, 227.
S2 Alco 9160-9162, 9166, 9170-9171, 9176, 9178, 9180-9186 B&O 9160-9162, 9166, 9170-9171, 9176, 9178, 9180-9186 - - ex-C&O
SW900 EMD 9400-9414 B&O 9400-9414 20384-20398 6/1955 Built as B&O 625-639.
SW900 EMD 9415-9429 B&O 9415-9429 20399-20412 6/1955-7/1955 Built as B&O 640-653.
NW2 EMD 9500, 9504, 9506 B&O 9500, 9504, 9506 1114, 1118, 1120 10/1940-11/1940 Built as B&O 400, 404, 406.
NW2 EMD 9509-9511 B&OCT 9509-9511 1729-1731 1/1943 Built as B&OCT 409-411.
NW2 EMD 9512-9541 B&O 9512-9541 6693-6712 1/1949-3/1949 Built as B&O 560-589.
NW2 EMD 9542-9551 B&O 9542-9551 6673-6682 9/1948-11/1948 Built as B&O 550-559.
TR3A-B (Cow-calf) EMD 9552, 9556 B&O 9552, 9556 10253, 10255 7/1949 Built as C&O 6500A-6501A.
TR3A-B (Cow-calf) EMD 9554, 9557 B&O 9554, 9557 10254, 10258 10/1949 Built as C&O 6500B-6501C.
NW2 EMD 9558, 9560-9562 C&O 9558, 9560-9562 6268, 6270-6272 11/1948-12/1948 Built as C&O 1850, 1842-1854.
NW2 EMD 9559, 9563-9564 B&O 9559, 9563-9564 6269, 6273, 6274 11/1948-12/1948 Built as C&O 1851, 1855-1856.
SW9 EMD 590-596 B&O 590-596 15886-15892 2/1952-4/1952 Built as B&OCT 9600-9607.
SW1200 EMD 9609-9613 B&O 9609-9613 19309-19313 12/1953 -
SW1200 EMD 9614-9619, 9621 B&O 9614-9619, 9621 23360-23365, 23367 5/1957 -
TR4A-B (Cow-calf) EMD 9622-9624 C&O 6000A, 6000B-6001A, 6001B 11945-11948 6/1950 -

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